Executive Order no. 1, s. 2023

Kingdom of Curimae
Office of the Prime Minister
Yellow Yarrow

Executive Order no. 1, series of 2023

Implementing the metric system, also known as the International System of Units (SI)

Whereas, the metric system, officially known as the International System of Units (SI), is the world standard in measurement. The official adoption of the metric system greatly promoted cooperation and understanding between different cultures and divergent interests. Compared to all other measurement systems, the metric system remained stable throughout its history. The value of metric units is the same regardless of context.

Wherefore, i, Genesis John Corvera Martinez, the Prime Minister of Curimae, through powers vested on me by the micronation's laws, do hereby order—

Section 1. The purpose of this Executive Order is to implement Royal Decree no. 19, which declares the metric system (SI) as the official measurement system of Curimae.

Section 2. The Royal Government shall solely use the metric system in all its measurement
operations. Academic and educational institutions registered under Royal Government authority shall solely teach the metric system in their measurement lessons.

Section 3. All measurement information shall be expressed in metric units. All measurement
instruments and technologies shall support the metric system.

Done in Yellow Yarrow this 27th of February, the year of the Lord, two thousand and twenty three.



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