Executive Order no. 2, s. 2023

Kingdom of Curimae
Office of the Prime Minister
Yellow Yarrow

Executive Order no. 2, series of 2023

Generating Government Revenue Without Taxation

Whereas, Royal Decree no. 20 prohibits taxation, thereby declaring Curimae a tax haven, the Royal Government must find other sources of revenue. Taxation is a life-threatening and extremely burdensome method of generating government revenue. It even invades privacy, as in assessing residences. Meanwhile, sales and investments are faster and safer methods of revenue generation. They also have the benefit of increased privacy, as the required related information doesn't contain personal details.

Wherefore, i, Genesis John Corvera Martinez, Prime Minister of Curimae, hereby order—

Section 1. In case the Royal Government, or any agency of it, intends to generate revenue, it may rely on non-tax revenue sources including to but not limited to investments, sales, rentals, or establishing businesses.

Section 2. The Ministry of Commerce shall oversee the revenue sources of the Royal Government. All such revenue sources shall be registered with the Ministry.

Done in Yellow Yarrow, this 4th of March, the year of the lord, two thousand and twenty three.



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