Royal Decree no. 16


Kingdom of Curimae
Office of Royal Affairs
New Curimae City

Royal Decree no. 16

A Royal Decree Setting The Schedule of Micronational Holidays and Celebrations

Whereas, there is a need to set a schedule for micronational holidays and celebrations.

Whereas, this schedule shall ensure good planning of every citizen to prepare for every vacation and leaves.

Whereas, the King decided to set a schedulenin order to ensure ease of Micronational duties.

Now, therefore, I, King Bonifacius Adrianus I, reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Curimae, through my absoluta virtute, do hereby decree—

Section 1. This decree shall be known as "Holidays and Celebrations for 2018."

Section 2. January 1 and 2 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in observance of New Year's Day.

Section 3. February 14 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in observance of Valentine's Day. February 15 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in observance of Flag Day.

Section 4. March 30 and 31 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in observance of End of Academic Year.

Section 5. April 1 and 2 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in celebration of the King's birthday.

Section 6. May 9 and 10 shall be declared a a Micronational Holiday in compliance with the Macronational Philippine National Elections for 2018. May 31 shall be declared a Micronational Holiday in celebration of May Flower Festival.

Section 7. June 1 and 2 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in order to give adequate time for the preparation of the University of Curimae.

Section 8. July 1 shall be declared a Micronational Holiday in observance of National Language Day.

Section 9. October 8 up to 31 shall be declared a Micronational Holiday to give way for Macronational activities.

Section 10. November 1 and 2 shall be declared a Micronational Holiday in observance of All Saints Day and All Souls Day.

Section 11. December 24 up to 26 shall be declared a Micronational Holiday in celebration of Christmas Day. December 30 up to 31 shall be declared as Micronational Holiday in celebration of End of the Year.

Section 12. This royal decree shall take effect immediately.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Kingdom of Curimae to be affixed.

Done in Rotterdam, The Netherlands this 18th day of June in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eighteen.



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