Royal Decree no. 19


Kingdom of Curimae
Office of Royal Affairs
New Curimae City

Royal Decree no. 19

A Royal Decree Standardizing the Weights and Measurements

Whereas, the Micronation is confused whether to use Imperial or SI units;

Whereas, some even use personalized weights and measures which creates more confusion among Citizens;

Whereas, it is the duty of the King to resolve the confusion and ensure clarifications;

Whereas, the King had decided to set standards for the weights and measurements to be used in the Micronation;

Now, therefore, I, King Bonifacuis I, reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Curimae, through my absoluta virtute, do hereby decree—

Section 1. This decree shall be known as "Weights and Measurements Law."

Section 2. The Metric System shall be the official and recognized system of weights and measurement by Curimae to be used in its day to day operations.

Section 3. The Ministry in-charge of Trade and Commerce shall be tasked to monitor compliance with this decree.

Section 4. All previous valid documents of this Micronatio shall be converted into the Metric System.

Section 5. This royal decree shall take effect immediately.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Kingdom of Curimae to be affixed.

in Rotterdam, The Netherlands this 19th day of June in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eighteen.



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