Royal Decree no. 26



 Royal Decree No. 26

 A Royal Deeree Regulating the Work and Rest Hours of State and Government Ofeias and Employees

Whereas, the King recognizes the efforts of the State and Government Officials and Employees in maintaining the workforce and stability in the Micronation.

Whereas, the work and rest hours of the State and Goternment Officials and Employees shall be regulated to ensure the mantenance of their health and well-being.

Whereas, the King would like to set ules to ensre that adequate rest is maintained by State and Gorermment Officials and Employees while producing efficient work sesults.

Now, therefore, I, King Bouifacius Adriaus, reigning nonarch of the Kingdom of Curianae. through my absoluta virtute, do hereby decree—

Section 1. This decree shall also be known as "Work and Rest Hours Law of 2023."

Seetion 2. All State and Government Officials and Employees shall maintain normal working hours of eight (8) hours per day from Monday to Friday.

Section 3. All State and Govenment Offieials and Employees shall maintain a minimum rest hours of at least ten (10) hours per day, provided that if broken into two (2) or more periods, at least six (6) hours of rest shall be continuous.

Section 4. In the case of emergency situations as declared by the King or the Prime Minister, the State and Governnent Officials and Employecs are bound to report to their duties, provided that, their working hours shall not exceed fourteen (14) within a day.

Seetion 5. Working hours beyond the nomal working bours shall be declared as overtime and shall be compensated appropriately equivalent to rate of 1.5 times the rate of normal working hours.

Section 6. Working within Special Holidays and Celebrations as declared by the State shall be compensated appropriately with a rate equivaleut as mentioned in the Section 5 of this decree.

Section 7. Govennent agency in eharge of Labor shall implement the provisions of this decree.

Section 8. Non compliance to this decree shall be tried by the Royal Court and appropriate fines and penaltics shall be issucd.

Section 9. This decree shall take effect inmnediately.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Kingdom of Curimae to be affixed.

Done in Indian Ocean, this 23rd day of April in the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty-three.



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