National Flag Day 2024 – Prime Minister's statement


Yellow Yarrow

National Flag Day Annual Statement
Issued February 15, A.D. 2024

Greetings from the Royal Government of Curimae. As we are celebrating our micronation’s most important holiday, I would like to remind everyone about our flag. Green represents the environment and life; yellow represents democracy; blue represents peace; the dragon seal indicates our micronational identity. Now, I would like to elaborate on how my views relate to our national flag.

As for the green, let us take care of our environment and ensure that our activities, especially business activities, maintain a balance between satisfying the people and maintaining the integrity of our environment. To satisfy this value further, we intend to introduce post-growth economics to ensure a balance between social requirements and ecological limitations. Regardless of our business operations, we should ensure that our economy respects our environment because the former ultimately depends on the latter. The doctrine of “economic growth” prescribes an endless increase in economic activity, which directly contradicts the reality that our environment is finite. An economy can thrive and satisfy everyone without having to expand infinitely. What we need is to imagine beyond the growth-based and profit-seeking paradigm and instead invent novel economic systems. The Royal Government shall get involved in all economic and environmental affairs because the economy and the environment are critical to all aspects of human culture and life, not to mention that they directly reflect each other. Concerning life, let us challenge the doctrine of economic growth and introduce post-growth economics so that people will genuinely enjoy their lives, express their true selves, and be encouraged to find deeper purposes around being alive. Human life should be free to any meaningful activity rather than restricted to the profit imperative.

As for the yellow, democracy means that the Royal Government has to obtain information from the people and the environment to ensure accurate and fair decisions. As it is a government, we have to be conservative in our decisions to ensure that our issuances and orders are stable. When we have many citizens, we will have to appoint or elect representatives to ensure that the Royal Government listens to everyone, which in turn ensures the fairness and stability of our issuances. One may fantasize about possessing great amounts of power over everyone in a particular area or sector. However, possessing unlimited power in real life means that the power holder has to deal with all issues directly. Such an approach is impractical and distressing because when the power holder has serious health conditions or personal issues, the functioning of their jurisdiction could be gravely affected. This is where the doctrine of limited liability comes into place. It is important to disperse power across all positions in a hierarchy, most especially in government institutions. Everyone in power has deputies. Even ministries and parliaments have deputies. Limited liability also keeps the workload to manageable levels. In the case of a transfer of power, the outgoing government has to inform the incoming government of its past actions and programs, as well as lecture them on public administration. Being succeeded or replaced by a new set of officials should be considered a reward rather than a defeat. Being a democracy means valuing fresh political views and platforms, aside from listening to the people.

As for the blue, we have to prioritize a culture of peace. Human history says that civilian culture is at all times superior to military culture. Humanity as we know it started 200,000 years ago and spent most of its history without concepts such as “war” and “fighters.” Meanwhile, military culture started 12,000 years ago. Anthropologists and historians are starting to acknowledge that humans are civilian by nature and that the military is a recent invention. Humans thrive under peaceful conditions; meanwhile, imposing the doctrine of militarism or any element of it only contributes to pain and suffering in the long term. The idea of military conscription or mandatory military service is not really about the pretentious monikers of “nationalism” and “patriotism;” it is really about inciting violence. This is why we intend to introduce civilian-orientedness to our micronation. We should not fight soldiers because they are people like us. Instead, we should openly challenge militarism—which prescribes military conscription and a military-first system—and give our soldiers more chances to express their civilian side or return to civilian culture. Nobody is ever born to fight and there is no scientific evidence of so-called “natural warriors.” Curimae intends to ensure peace, especially in the micronation sector.

As for the seal, the Royal Government encourages everyone to devise unique and creative solutions to make our micronation more recognizable in the world. Rather than prioritizing the doctrine of “competition” and attempting to defeat other micronations and political organizations, we should be content with the positive aspects of our micronation. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Last but the least, the Royal Government greets everyone a happy National Flag Day.



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