2024 Philippine National Heroes Day – Prime Minister's statement

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2024 Philippine National Heroes Day
Statement of the Prime Minister, issued August 26, A.D. 2024

Greetings to our Filipino brothers and sisters. The Royal Government of Curimae is once again celebrating the heroic endeavors of many Filipinos to defend the Philippine state and to ensure the macronation lasting viability and development. Heroism is a feat that few people in the world would ever pursue. Depending on the context, a particular set of activities may be considered heroism when the subject concerned exerts great effort and induces tremendous and long-term positive effects.

The Royal Government of Curimae would like to have a brief discussion of a few of the many macronational heroes of the Philippines as well as the subsequent acts of state recognition. Jose Rizal actually preferred reforms over revolution, in particular giving the Philippines regular representation in the Spanish parliament (Cortes Generales). As a recognition of his heroism, there is a Philippine province named after him, located near the former Manila province (currently Metropolitan Manila). There is also a holiday for him on December 30. Meanwhile, Andres Bonifacio started a revolution to free the Philippines from Spain. As a recognition of his heroism, there is a holiday for him on November 30. Lapulapu defended the Philippines against European colonial agendas; as for his heroism, there is a city named after him, located in the island of Mactan. Sultan Kudarat did the same thing: defending Mindanao against European colonial agendas. As a recognition of his heroism, there is a province and a Bangsamoro municipality named after him. In the case of World War II, there is Melchora Aquino, also known as Tandang Sora, who taught Filipino and American soldiers how to repel the invading Japanese soldiers. As a recognition of her heroism, the City of Quezon in the former Manila province (currently Metropolitan Manila) has a barangay or village named after her.

During the Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, Sr. administration, Senator Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino, Jr. sacrificed his life for basic freedom in the Philippines. As a recognition of his heroism, there is a holiday for him in August. The Manila International Airport has also been addressed as the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The 500 Philippine peso banknote features him and his wife, President Corazon C. Aquino, who reversed or removed many authoritarian or undesirable elements of the F.E.M. administration.

Datu Mama Bago, who lived in Davao (Pinagurasan), defended his realm against European colonial agendas. The City of Davao recognizes him as a hero. Datu Mama Bago’s legacy, that is Davao, is an enduring community, a progressive city renowned for its strong sense of law and order. At one point in its history, the City of Davao even became safer than the reputably strict Republic of Singapore. But compared to Singapore, Davao is actually very conservative in its enforcement methods. Datu Mama Bago’s legacy, that is Davao, could remind the world that one can be strict in ensuring law and order without resorting to the harsh methods of other countries’ justice systems.

Speaking of heroism in other macronations, the Republic of Indonesia has an official award for its macroational heroes, granted after the recipients’ deaths. The Republic of Barbados also has an official award for national heroes. What is interesting is that Barbados granted its artist and businessperson Rihanna the Order of National Heroes. In short, one does not have to engage in a battle or dive into tremendous political and societal endeavors to be recognized by its country as a national hero.

Speaking of countries considered “fictional” in our local universe, let us have another brief discussion about the Kingdom of Hyrule, which is very frequently rendered in The Legend of Zelda games. In particular, we will discuss Link, the protagonist of the Zelda games. Link, whose full name is Link Link, is the chosen hero of Hyrule and the one who saves Princess Zelda and defeats the terrorist Ganondorf. Starting as a commoner, Link has to undergo a multitude of ordeals and defeat numerous monster bosses, along with going to numerous shrines across Hyrule to gradually increase his strength and gain new abilities. Link almost never displays his emotions as to avoid inducing worries among Hyruleans. Link is respected not just in Hyrule, but also in our world.

On heroism in the Philippines, the country has yet to institute an official award system for Filipinos who exerted efforts and induced effects that are considered heroic by significant sectors of Filipino society. In the end, when it is heroic, it should be recognized and remembered to give encouragement and inspiration to wide varieties of sectors of society.



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